TOWE was a professional boxer and currently a tattoo lover. TOWE uses tattoo to express his feeling about the war and his boxing career. Since the war has started, he decided to join the Nazi German Army, and became a karate fighting instructor. In the project of Black Laborary, TOWE is chosen to combine his body and gene with fox to become a super soldier with unique ability. Just like fox, TOWE can act with agile speed, cunning mind, and high IQ. TOWE is part of the Nazi German Army assault unit. He armed with medium-size equipment to complete his assignment. TOWE’s assignment is to lead the assault team with his gigantic robotic arms to break-in, clear barriers, and a special weapon that can cut through any blocker’s head.
TOWE戰爭前曾是一名職業拳擊手,喜好紋身,並將自己拳擊生涯與戰爭的感悟比作信仰與精神。紋在自己引以為傲的雙臂與拳頭上。戰爭爆發後,加入納粹德國陸軍部隊,並擔任過部隊的空手搏擊教官。BLACK LABORARY計畫中,被選為與狐狸匹配的實驗員進行身體改造實驗。