深入敵營 前方有未知的危險 需要謹慎每一步 Deep inside enemy territory, must be extremely cautious
I love to make a real photos in nature without photoshop and without any other filters or effects. So on this photo I did not use any photoshops or effects. All is real and made by my hands. I am trying to show how TOWE feels in his native environment.
創作靈感: 參加這場比賽,沒有想太多!只想用心機去完成這幅作品 構思:世界共存大同與和平正面信息由這幅相片顯示出來 敘述:主角在營地生火,但因食物薰香撲鼻,所以他們紛紛前來,最後演變成一場由小動物的“盛宴” A peaceful moment when friends come together to enjoy foods and warm.
本次摄影采用外拍方式,主要想在照片中表现鹿,狐狸,狼三者之间互动的情景,造型方面尽可能放松,自然,让人有种动作抓拍的感觉。三图分别表达了狐狸与其他两位挚友再聚的喜悦;鹿为朋友分享礼物,而狐狸迫不及待的好奇心情;以及狐狸与鹿帮助狼爬到树上的瞬间。本次照片完全采用实景拍摄,未进行后期合成。 The happiness of sharing !
夜晚TOWE進行刺殺任務後,回到森林休息處小憩,清晨間一抹陽光灑在臉上,TOWE醒了過來… Touch of sunshine after a long night of assassination.
I really like the box art for these figures and always wanted to frame them up. I took this opportunity to create this artwork with the box art as a backdrop. I feel that it brings out the mysterious and sinister nature of the Black Laborary figures.
嘗試使用詭譎的氣氛去營造B13人偶的身體構造! 訂下契約的角色活在黑夜中的殺戮。 Try using treacherous atmosphere to demonstrate Black 13 Park figure's structure.
燃燒體內的野性魂 藉由動物的殘影傳達出角色心中的野性
揣測B13變身的過程,一種分子碎裂幻化而出的過程。結合齒輪的風格背景讓作品呈現一種更蒸氣龐克的風格。 Imagination of transformation process